October 15, 2015
1800 school board candidates share their views about arts education with voters in their district as a public service.
July 17, 2015
The United States Senate has passed its bipartisan Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorization proposal, the Every Child Achieves Act (S. 1177), by a…
July 15, 2015
Arts Education for All-New Statewide Advocacy Organization New Jersey Arts Education Partnership Launches as Independent Group For Immediate Release: July 15, 2015 Contact: Kristin Wenger…
July 15, 2015
Like a Bird Without Wings Music, Arts, Education, and History A Story as Told by the National Mall in Washington, DC As interpreted by Robert…
July 15, 2015
More than Meetings: They’re on your calendar nearly every day. They can be time consuming and disruptive. An average American employee of a mid-size company…
July 15, 2015
Elliot Eisner was a visionary in the field of arts and education. He maintained that the arts were critical to developing skills in young students:…
March 20, 2015
The Best Communities for Music Education survey acknowledges schools and districts across the United States for their commitment to and support of music education. NAMM…
February 19, 2015
For More Information Check out the Interactive School Performance Dashboards for Arts Education
October 30, 2014
What made you decide to move to the South Orange – Maplewood School District? Was it the annual NY Times articles we see, describing the towns…