Check out our awesome summit kickoff video! Meet our Council Members, see the cool projects they worked on, and get to know the amazing sponsors who made it all possible. Watch now and join the fun!

Arts Ed NJ is thrilled to announce our inaugural Youth Arts Ed Summit! We invite you to join us for this exciting virtual event on Saturday, April 20th 10am to 3pm, open to all high school-aged youth in the state of New Jersey.

Engaging panel discussions and workshops on:

  • STEAM and Arts Integration 
  • Artivism: Art for Social Justice and Awareness 
  • Caring for your Creative Self
  • Advocacy: Making Your Voice Heard
  • Careers in the Arts Panel  

We’ll also have exciting giveaways and more throughout the day!

View the Workshops

Guest Speakers

About the Summit

About the Summit This summit isn't just about discussions; it's a platform for you to learn, grow, and make a difference. Be a part of shaping the future of arts education in our state by connecting with peers who share your passion, engaging with professionals in various arts fields, and gaining valuable insights into topics such as arts' impact on mental health, pathways to successful careers in the arts, and most importantly, empowering yourself to speak up on the issues that matter most to you in shaping the future of arts education in New Jersey.

Agenda 4.20.24

Zoom Room Opens 

Opening: Welcome and Setting the Stage

Keynote: Kaleena Berryman: Advocacy, Agency and Voice

Our keynote address sets the stage for empowering discussions, inspiring action, and amplifying the voices of the next generation. Together, let’s champion change and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.

Break and Workshop Assignments

 Workshop Sessions

  • STEAM and Arts Integration

    Presenters: Maureen Heffernan and Claudio Mir

    You know what’s cooler than just art or just science? Combining them for a total STEAM explosion! This hands-on workshop lets you check out artworks that blend creativity with STEM principles. You’ll discuss why that synergy is fire and then break into teams to dream up your own amazing interdisciplinary projects. Time to flex both your artsy and scientific muscles!

  • Artivism: Art for Social Justice and Awareness

    Presenters: Ennis Carter and Dr. Jaymie Stein

    Got a cause you’re passionate about? This is the workshop for you! You’ll start by learning how artists have used their work to address important social issues and provoke change. Then you’ll have the chance to make your own statement piece while receiving feedback and support. By the end, you’ll have a sweet new artwork that puts your beliefs and perspectives on display. Let’s get creative and make some noise!  
  • Care for Creatives

    Presenters: Sanaz Hojreh and Purple Norris

    Feeling stressed or just need a break? Check out Care For The Creatives! This interactive art workshop lets you explore ways to relax and take care of yourself through calming creative exercises. It’s the perfect chance to tap into your artsy side while giving your mind a much-needed breather. You’ll learn techniques to de-stress and recharge in a creative chill, judgment-free zone. 

  • Advocacy: Making Your Voice Heard

    Presenters: Ann Marie Miller, Shea Murray, and Zach Bates

    Arts programs at your school need your voice! This workshop shows you how to be an advocacy all-star and keep arts education thriving. You’ll get insider tips on easy yet impactful ways to rally for arts funding and support – from talking to school admins to contacting local reps. Together, students can be a powerful force in ensuring arts remain a priority. Did we mention it’s gonna be a fun time too?

Break & Giveaways

Workshop Session Two: Careers in the Arts Panel  


Harvest the Learning and Call to Action

Final Giveaway and Commitments

Premier Partners