Critical Documents

Arts Integration User Guide for NJ Educators and Practitioners

Critical Evidence: How the Arts Benefit Student Achievement 

National Standards for Arts Education 

Congressional Recognition for Excellence in Arts Education Act 

Progress of Education Reform 2004: The Arts in Education 

No Subject Left Behind

New Jersey Visual & Performing Arts Standards 


State Arts Policy – Trends and Future Prospect

A Report of The Wallace Foundation

The Status of Arts Education in American Public Schools: 2012

A nationwide arts survey documenting the state of arts education in U.S. public schools.

The Condition of Education 2012

A Report from the Center for Education Statistics

Arts At Risk Youth

National Endowment of the Arts

FRSS 2012 Report

National Center for Educational Statistics

Arts in Focus: Los Angeles Countywide Arts Education Survey

An arts education survey of 82 school districts in Los Angeles containing program models, contradictions between theory and reality and national implications for urban areas.

Champions of Change: The Impact of the Arts on Learning

A compendium of seven major studies has examples of social growth and learning through the arts and how the arts enable disadvantaged youth to attain higher levels of achievement.

Coming Up Taller

Profiles of over 200 out of school time programs calling attention to the variety of community arts programs and how they transform the lives of at-risk youth.

Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development

A collection of up-to-date research on the academic and social effects of arts learning experiences providing insight into deepening those experiences thus improving school performance.

Gaining the Arts Advantage: Lessons from School Districts that Value Arts Education

A multi-state report listing 13 critical success factors leading to strong district-wide arts education programs. Number one on the list: community involvement.

The Impact of Arts Education on Workforce Preparation

Examples of arts-based education as a money-and time-saving option for states looking to increase skills, academic success,standardized test scores, and lower the incidence of crime.

Project Zero

An educational research group based at Harvard Graduate School of Education.

FRSS: Arts Education in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools: 1999-2000

1999-2000 US Department of Education Fast Response Survey. The purpose of this report is to provide a national profile of the status of arts education in the nation’s regular 1 public schools during the 1999-2000 school year.

Arts & Economic Prosperity IV: The Economic Impact of Nonprofit Arts and Culture Organizations and Their Audiences

This report documents the key role played by the nonprofit arts and culture industry in strengthening the nation’s economy.

Good Principals Aren’t Born – They’re Mentored: Are We Investing Enough to Get the School Leaders We Need?

The Southern Regional Education Board analyzes aspiring principal mentoring programs and proposes a range of actions by universities and districts to address common weaknesses.